Posts tagged squirrel removal
Jim's Squirrel Battle - How NET Syndrome is hurting our community

Soon the soft rhythmic sound of enamel cutting through pine 2x4s echoes in the previously silent bedroom at six-forty-five in the morning. The sun rose no less than a half hour ago and Jim is just trying to hold onto 15 more minutes of sleep before the cacophony of alarms start triggering on his phone. A sudden thud followed by frantic scratching and scampering wake him fully. This means war!

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4 Things Squirrels LOVE about Fall #BasicGreySquirrel

It did not matter if they were carved or uncarved. Those little gluttons would feast all night on my pumpkins and gourds and leave me with nothing but seeds and stems by morning. (reminds me of an old roommate).

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Keep Squirrels From Driving You Nuts

Though they look cute and have an adorable frantic nature to them when you see them in the park, squirrels have an ability to gain access to your home that most burglars would covet. Below are five sure fire ways to prevent/deter squirrels from gaining access to your home:

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