If you are on social media you no doubt have seen posts of people concerned about the increase in coyote and fox sightings in Batavia. Many speculate the increase in sightings to factors such as urbanization, depletion of green spaces, and scarcity in food sources.
Read MoreRaccoons are solitary animals, except during the breeding season, which occurs from late January to early March. During this time, male raccoons, also known as boars, will roam in search of females, or sows.
Read MoreWe know them as “Trash Pandas”, “Ringtails”, and “Masked Bandits”, but many are unaware of the habits and behaviors of the raccoons that frequent our neighborhoods and sometimes our homes.
Read MoreIn those 18 years I have tried ALL of the home remedies and “hacks” to remove the skunk smell and have settled on only one that is effective on pets and people.
Read MoreWhen Huntsman wildlife performs a skunk eviction we use a tried and true method to ensure we quickly, efficiently, and ethically remove the skunk and prevent any further nose offending instances.
Read MoreHave you walked out your front door recently and been accosted by the scent of skunk in the air?
Read MoreIt’s hard to misidentify the Eastern Striped Skunk when it is in your yard or on your property. Cincinnati is home to hundreds of mated pairs of these emission producing monochromatic small mammals.
Read MoreBefore you start thinking Huntsman Wildlife has no place in wildlife control if we are not going to do a thorough inspection INCLUDING the attic, let me give you the top three reasons we will decide not to inspect the attic at that time.
Read MoreIn the United States, woodpeckers are FEDERALLY protected birds under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. You can not kill a woodpecker, it’s young, or disturb a woodpecker nest with eggs in it without a permit from US Fish and Wildlife Service. This article will help you go step by step in the process of applying for, and hopefully receiving approval for a depredation permit.
Read MoreThe most feared and misunderstood wildlife we get calls about in the late spring are the local snake populations. Here in Ohio we have around 25 native snake species.
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