I spent the past few days wrestling with the kitchen sink in our home when it hit me, I am doing the EXACT same thing I tell my clients NOT to do. Instead of hiring a professional, I demanded that I would be able to make the necessary repairs by myself for considerably less money.

My stubbornness prevailed, and after I was done, I went in the living room to brag to my wife. It did not go well.

She pointed out to me the following:

  • It took me the span of 3 days to install, repair, repair again, and repair again the kitchen faucet.

  • I spent hours at each step consulting YouTube videos, texting friends, and posting questions on my social media pages.

  • I made four trips to the big box home center to purchase fittings and tools

  • I was not fun to be around when i was working on the faucet

  • Total spent to install a $60 faucet was almost $85

And you want to know the absolute WORST thing she reminded me of?. Our neighbor to the left of us owns a plumbing business and I should have just called him from the start.

SO, how does this apply to Nuisance Wildlife management?

I know many of you reading this are entertaining the idea of just handling your wildlife problem yourself. Honestly, there is a large amount of information online to learn how to keep raccoons out of your attic. You can go online and purchase the exact same tools, traps, and equipment we use, and likely, you will be able to catch, remove, and exclude that animal.

The chances of it happening the first time are slim though.

When you are hiring Huntsman Wildlife to assist you in protecting the health of your family or employees, and the security of your home or business, you are not paying for traps, tools, and equipment. You are paying for an experienced professional who knows the biology of the animal, knows it’s behaviors. You are hiring a company that understands that the intricate details in excluding mice from your home in OTR are much different than excluding mice from a home in Batavia. You are hiring a SOLUTION not a process.

But I get it. We all do it. We all convince ourselves that we can do it cheaper. We don't want to bother anyone. And to be honest, we are prideful and a bit bullheaded.

Just know this. If the time comes for you to give up and finally call in help, Huntsman Wildlife will gladly pick up where you left off and bring a couple cold ones for you to enjoy while we get to work.

No judgement, heck… I have been there… and much to my wife’s frustration… will likely be there again… we start remodeling the bathroom this spring!

Till next time… see ya folks.